Supervision and Consultation:
Play Therapy and EMDR Supervision and Consultation groups are paused until after my return to office date. New cohort group opportunities are coming Winter/Spring of 2025! To get all the updates jump on my email list HERE!
Play Therapy and Practice Building Courses:
All 14 of my Play Therapy Courses and 3 of my Practice Building Courses are WIDE open for sale! Even if I'm out of office you can still learn allll about the world of play therapy!
There are some rare but common issues that may pop up with using, accessing, and getting CEs for courses. Due to being on maternity leave my processing time is slower as I am only processing requests several times per month.
I have also never met a problem I couldn't troubleshoot or solve so rest assured you will get access to your course, get your CE processed, and anything else that might pop up! Here are some things you can do in the meantime.
I didn't get my CE:
There are several common reasons why CEs don't issue:
For the top two issues you are welcome to go into your course portal and take the CE again. The last is the easiest fix - just check your junkmail to make sure the CE certificate didn't end up there!
I can't get into my course:
The most common reason for this issue is that there was a typo in the initial input of email address OR you created the course login with one email and are trying to access it with another email. If this is the case you likely didn't get a confirmation email. This also explains why a password reset will not work (because the system only recognizes the initial email OR the email with the typo and doesn't recognize the correct email as being an account holder).
For both of these issues I can login on the back end and see what exact email you have, rest passwords manually, or update the email on file.
Only one of my courses is showing when I login, not all of them:
The most common reason for this is that you likely have two different accounts with two different emails, with one email housing some of the courses and another email housing the other. You can attempt to login and reset passwords with any email you think could be associated with an account. If this doesn't work I can login on the back end and see what exact email you have, rest passwords manually, or update the email on file.
I can login to my account but my video/audio isn't working:
The platform I use to house courses is Thinkific. It is incredibly rare (aka has never been the issue) that the whole platform is down, and it is typically a computer specific issue. While tech issues completely stink check out this troubleshooting link HERE which services as a guide for the most common student issues such as videos not playing, viewing/downloading handouts, or difficulty with payment.
There are some rare but common issues that may pop up with using, accessing, and getting CEs for courses. Due to being on maternity leave my processing time is slower as I am only processing requests several times per month.
I have also never met a problem I couldn't troubleshoot or solve so rest assured you will get access to your course, get your CE processed, and anything else that might pop up! Here are some things you can do in the meantime.
I didn't get my CE:
There are several common reasons why CEs don't issue:
- The email address input on the CE form was incorrect
- The score on the CE did not meet the minimum threshold for passing per APT requirements
- The CE went into junk or spam OR was filtered out for some other reason
For the top two issues you are welcome to go into your course portal and take the CE again. The last is the easiest fix - just check your junkmail to make sure the CE certificate didn't end up there!
I can't get into my course:
The most common reason for this issue is that there was a typo in the initial input of email address OR you created the course login with one email and are trying to access it with another email. If this is the case you likely didn't get a confirmation email. This also explains why a password reset will not work (because the system only recognizes the initial email OR the email with the typo and doesn't recognize the correct email as being an account holder).
For both of these issues I can login on the back end and see what exact email you have, rest passwords manually, or update the email on file.
Only one of my courses is showing when I login, not all of them:
The most common reason for this is that you likely have two different accounts with two different emails, with one email housing some of the courses and another email housing the other. You can attempt to login and reset passwords with any email you think could be associated with an account. If this doesn't work I can login on the back end and see what exact email you have, rest passwords manually, or update the email on file.
I can login to my account but my video/audio isn't working:
The platform I use to house courses is Thinkific. It is incredibly rare (aka has never been the issue) that the whole platform is down, and it is typically a computer specific issue. While tech issues completely stink check out this troubleshooting link HERE which services as a guide for the most common student issues such as videos not playing, viewing/downloading handouts, or difficulty with payment.
The Playful Therapist Blog and Email:
Work-ahead is my middle name! The Playful Therapist Blog will be on pause for part of October/November but will start back up again generating weekly blog posts with all the best Play Therapy and practice building resources (all pre-plugged in). You can still access 230+ existing play therapy posts and resources on the Playful Therapist Blog. Weekly emails will still be going out with all the best-of-the-best content, resources, and sales!
Did you know the Playful Therapist Blog has 55+ FREE resources, downloads and mini master classes? And when you sign up for a free resource your website browser should automatically redirect you to the webpage for the freebie! But sometimes.... life doesn't work out that way. I have troubleshooted multiple computers, internet connections, website browsers, etc. and have always been able to be redirected. The program that hosts my freebies has also troubleshooted the issue with no problems being redirected, so I don't have a great reason why this isn't always the case (any tech gurus who have the answer send it my way)!
The only solution would be to clear your cache and cookies, try a different web browser, and make sure you don't have any tech installed that would block a "pop up". Even though the redirect isn't technically a pop up this could also get in the way.
The good news? Shoot me an email if you didn't get your freebie! Since I am out on leave it may take a couple of weeks for me to get back to you but I will send you a direct PDF copy or a direct resource to get you going! Thanks for your patience on this one!
The only solution would be to clear your cache and cookies, try a different web browser, and make sure you don't have any tech installed that would block a "pop up". Even though the redirect isn't technically a pop up this could also get in the way.
The good news? Shoot me an email if you didn't get your freebie! Since I am out on leave it may take a couple of weeks for me to get back to you but I will send you a direct PDF copy or a direct resource to get you going! Thanks for your patience on this one!
Live Training Requests:
Live trainings and speaking engagements are currently on pause while I settle into the new normal of becoming a mom of two! Please contact [email protected] with any training requests and I can update you on a timeline of when my calendar opens again.