How many sessions “should” a child need in play therapy?
The only correct answer to that question is “it depends”. According to research HERE it takes an “average of 20 play therapy sessions to resolve the problems of the typical child referred for treatment”.
Sharing play themes with parents can be an important part of Child Centered Play Therapy. Check out more HERE about four reasons to consider sharing play themes with parents!
So while this blog HERE answers the WHY we share play themes with parents and caregivers I wanted to give you some step by step guidance with the HOW!
As a Child Centered Play Therapist you are interested in what a child is doing and why.
The short version? Themes and play theme shifts help you understand when a child is making progress and at the same time also helps you be significantly more effective during your time in session with a child. Want to know the long version? Check out the three reasons why knowing play themes is essential HERE!
What’s on the menu in your play therapy kitchen? Pizza? Sushi? Some tomato soup?
All of the above and sometimes all mixed together? A day in the life of a play therapist usually means you head to the kitchen a time or two to cook up some delicious (or not) food. BUT what does it all mean? Are kids “just playing” or is there a deeper meaning behind this three course meal? |
Hi, there!I'm Ann Meehan, an LPCC, Loading... Archives
January 2025